General Accounting

FERC Accounting Russ Hissom, CPA FERC Accounting Russ Hissom, CPA

What is FERC Accounting?

FERC 101 - The FERC Chart of Accounts is cool. Bet you don’t hear that often. Seriously, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Chart of Accounts is the bedrock of electric utility accounting. It can be difficult for new employees to get their arms around it at first. Train employees early in using the FERC Chart of Accounts and your electric cooperative or utility will reap the benefits.

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Harmony in Allocating Inter-Departmental Power and Utilities Costs with the Three-Point Formula

Here is the Three-point formula! This article will discuss how using a cost allocation method based strictly on math, and metrics can smooth budget discussions and bring equitable allocations to your business units (doesn't sound exciting, but you'll be glad you read on). Here is the Three-point formula!

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