Management Strategies

Trying to Increase Electric Rates but Your Board Says “No”? Here Are Options

If your electric utility board will not increase rates timely, then what areas of the budget can be adjusted without impacting reliability? A rate increase voted down opens the door for "Plan B", the fallback plan. But, what is the fallback plan? This article discusses some Plan B approaches to save your utility’s budget and maintain reliable service.

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Hurricane Ian and Sanibel Island Power Grid Rebuild - An insider’s view of electric co-op and utility mutual aid

One of the beauties of the power and utilities industry is the eagerness to help fellow co-ops and utilities in times of need. Restoring power to customers is built into the utility psyche, which translates into the willingness to travel across the country or state to assist in restoration efforts. This is called mutual aid.

Hurricane Ian destroyed the power infrastructure on Sanibel Island in September, 2022. This article is a first hand account of the damage and rebuild of the electric transmission and distribution system.

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