Management Strategies

Management Russ Hissom, CPA Management Russ Hissom, CPA

How can your electric co-op or utility develop a well-trained and informed Board of Directors?

Major decisions in an electric cooperative or utility should be implemented by the approval of the Board of Directors (or City Council). The power and utilities industry is complex and may be unfamiliar to newer board members. This raises an important question: How can the board be effective and understand the business well enough to make informed and strategic decisions?

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Business Process and Strategy Russ Hissom, CPA Business Process and Strategy Russ Hissom, CPA

Utility & Co-op Employee Evaluations-Giving Effective Feedback, Helping with Career Goals

No matter your background, if you are in charge of employees, your job description includes giving employee evaluations, providing feedback, and helping employees develop their career goals. How do you balance the needs of the business with employee needs? What about remote work? Let’s explore some areas.

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