Management Strategies
Tips on Improving your Chance of Success for Federal Utility Grants - Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act
The 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provides a number of grants for electric utility and co-op projects, including grid infrastructure, distribution projects, cybersecurity, nuclear, carbon capture, and renewals. The 2022 climate bill adds additional funding, mainly for renewal energy projects. This article includes insights on applying for federal grants and the types of grants available for applications.
The “E” in ESG is Working Great! How to Mitigate the Budget Impact?
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and sustainable business practices are a key component of utility strategy. Success in moving the “E” factor towards reducing emissions can sometime put a dent in the utility or co-op electric budget. This article discusses the use of decoupling to mitigate budget damage and maximize budget recovery.
The Board's Role in Managing the Utility Bond Rating
Are lines blurred in your utility over financial responsibilities? The responsibility for the bond rating is part of the role of the utility's Board of Directors through the approval of budgets, electric rates, and short and long-term strategy. The better the bond rating, the lower the interest rate and more funds are retained by the utility vs. paid to bond holders. What are strategies to follow? Here are some insights.