Productivity and Goals

Productivity, Business Process and Strategy Russ Hissom, CPA Productivity, Business Process and Strategy Russ Hissom, CPA

Work Time Blocking and Getting Things Done to Meet Your Goals

Time blocking, coupled with the “Getting Things Done” or GTD approach, may hold the secret sauce when it comes to both liberating your schedule and helping you keep the focus on your goals.

Time blocking involves scheduling almost all of the available times of your day. The schedule is based on the priorities of projects, personal and family time, blocks for unscheduled drop-ins, calls, and “putting out fires” time.

The goal is to schedule blocks of uninterrupted time to focus. Time blockers report zen like ability to focus and more significant achievements. 

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Productivity Russ Hissom, CPA Productivity Russ Hissom, CPA

Is 10,000 steps a day the magic number?

A Fitbit, the quality of your steps, and meeting goals.

These analogies fit how individuals can approach their goals. Some strive purposefully; others let life happen or re-up the same goals over and over again, wondering why their overall goals remain unfulfilled.

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