Utility Accounting Education Update

Stay ahead of the latest electric industry accounting and finance news and best practices with your trusted source


December, 2021

2022 promises to be a big year of funding for electric and broadband infrastructure projects. Here are resources and insights into the available programs. Plus a look at the UAES course bundles to fast track your industry knowledge!

$65 Billion of Grant Funding for Energy Projects

$65 billion of matching grants will be available for energy projects for renewables, smart metering, nuclear energy, hydro, and host of areas. This article details the funding and amounts.


Grid Resiliency Grants Total $5 billion - Be Ready for a Fast Filing to be Eligible to Receive Funds

Grid resiliency against natural disasters has its own category of funding. Grant funds will go fast in this category! Here's some strategies to be ready to file an application to get in line for funds!

The UAES article library covers introductory and advanced co-op, FERC, and utility accounting, developing electric rates, and financial management. We include practical examples you can use now in your electric cooperative or utility!

Broadband Grants Total $65 Billion - Expand Services in Your Community

$65 billion of matching broadband grants will make for many possibilities to level up systems. Before applying for a grant a feasibility study will help clarify your business model.


Online Course Bundles - Learning Tracks to Expand Your Industry Experience. Here’s a sample:

New Employee Training Bundle

These short courses in accounting basics, and construction accounting, reading financials, and using KPI's will make you the "go-to" expert in the office!

Thank you for your support and interest in best practices in accounting, developing electric rates, and financial management. The Power and Utilities Industry is the foundation for a vibrant economy and an integral part of our society!

Just for reading this far down the newsletter you’ll get 25% off a UAES course, bundle, or the first 12 months of a subscription! Just use the code News25 at checkout!

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Final thoughts for this issue

I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.
— David Bowie
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
— Eleanor Roosevelt