Management Strategies

Management, Artificial Intelligence, Accounting Russ Hissom, CPA Management, Artificial Intelligence, Accounting Russ Hissom, CPA

Generative Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on the Utility Accounting Department

We continue our journey of exploring uses of generative artificial intelligence in areas throughout the utility - in operations and finance. The AI revolution is transforming the way we look at basic tasks and expanding our horizons when it comes to how the utility business is managed.

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Embracing Artificial Intelligence in Power and Utilities Accounting and Ratemaking

Embracing AI will make it possible to maximize efficiencies in the accounting and finance departments, open up team members for other tasks, and provide the tools for deeper analysis of customer use of electricity. The depth of AI data analysis will provide additional tools to directly design rates that can modify customer behavior in their electricity use and with choices on how they use electricity.

This article provides a very high-level view of areas used in the accounting and rates functions of power and utilities organizations. The list will undoubtedly grow.

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